Embodyoga®: Yoga from the Inside Out
200 hour Online teacher training certified by yoga alliance
*The 2021/2022 training is being taught ONLINE. We may be able to offer hybrid online/in-person options for some sessions in the Amherst, MA area throughout the training year.
Yoga is the union of spirit & matter, Human & Divine. Embodying yoga means finding this healing union in our bodies, hearts, and lives. YCA’s 100hr In-Depth Study and 200hr YTT weave embodied anatomy and somatic awakening with bhakti yoga and a comprehensive philosophy program to support you in developing a grounded, integrated, living yoga
The next 200hr YTT begins October 2/3 2021 – scroll down for dates. The first six weekends of the 200-HR training make up the 100hr In-Depth Study. We then go on to the last five weekends to complete the full 200Hr YTT. All offerings at YCA (including this training) are Pay From The Heart, meaning that while there is a recommended rate for the training, we ask each participant to feel what their own heart desires and is able to offer in exchange for what they are receiving. Learn more about this philosophy here.
Do you want to develop more fluidity and ease in your body, mind, and life? Do you want to move beyond theory and experience the radiance that you are?
Using a direct, practical and spiritual approach, through embodied inquiry, compassion, acceptance (santosha) and clear discernment (viveka), Embodyoga® approaches the study of consciousness through our bodies.
- Explore, find and feel “whole–body–support” templates for strong, graceful, and injury free yoga asana practice for all body types and abilities
- Inquire into the various systems of your body through embodied anatomy, developmental movement patterns, postures, breath practices, concentration, meditation, and chanting
- Delve into the history and philosophy of yoga and discover what these vibrant ancient teachings offer to our modern lives
Our 200hr teacher training builds upon the 100Hr Embodyoga In-Depth Study. Anyone who has completed the 100hr In-Depth Study is welcome to continue the journey with us and receive an Embodyoga® 200hr Certification.
Our 200-hour Embodyoga® teacher training program is registered with the National Yoga Alliance.
Lead Teacher
Guest Teachers
2021/2022 Dates
October 23/24
November 13/14
December 4/5
January 8/9
January 29/30
February 12/13
March 12/13
April 1/2/3
April 22/23/24
May 13/14/15
June 3/4/5
Daily Schedule
Saturdays & Sundays 10:00am est – 1:00pm est
and 2:30pm est – 5:30pm est
(break from 1:00pm-2:30pm est).
The 4 Friday classes (last 4 weekends) 5:30pm est – 8:30pm est
Hear from our graduates:
The first 100 hours of the program (Modules 1 and 2) are structured as an In-Depth Study, and can be taken on their own by anyone seeking to deepen their yoga practice and experience the depth and breadth of yoga’s approach to self-discovery. The second 100 hours (Modules 3 and 4) focus more on the fundamentals and logistics of teaching a nourishing and fulfilling yoga asana class, including sequencing, articulation, presence, and student engagement.
Scroll down to see a list of topics covered in each module.
In addition to Corinne and Matthew Andrews lead teaching this training, we are blessed to also welcome guest teachers Patty Townsend, Ananta Ripa Ajmera, Onatah Stoll, Naima Beckles, and Eric Mosley
- Develop a depth and beauty in your personal yoga practice that is felt internally, and remains with you in your daily life, guiding you how to live yoga and be an agent of change, goodness and service here and now on Earth.
- Join a compassionate and loving community of diverse people to support you on your journey of Self-discovery, healing and awakening
- Refine the in-depth study material, and find your authentic voice to teach these beautiful practices in a way that is unique to you
- Learn the art of sequencing and how to create classes of various levels with stages and modifications for safety and support for all body types and abilities
- Engage in practice teaching circles, and learn the ins and outs of teaching, demonstration, observation, physical touch/assistance/support, and the business aspects to being a yoga teacher.
Embodyoga Teacher Training Testimonials
- Cellular Respiration & Touch and Navel Yield & Stabilization
- Spinal Anatomy and the Principle of a Calm & Mobile Spine
- Discriminating Core from Periphery in Body and Mind and Returning to Unity
- Standing Postures 1– Our Foundation: Pelvis, Legs & Feet
- Surya Namaskar: Sun Salutations
- 3 Pillars of Embodyoga® and 7 Movement Principles
- Pit of the Belly, Mulabandha and Embodying Core
- Musculoskeletal Correlations of Foot through to Pelvis
- Iliopsoas Complex, Adductors and the Pelvic Floor in embodied anatomy and movement
- Thoracic Diaphragm & its Stem and Lungs in embodied anatomy and movement
- Relational Movement—Yield, Push, Reach, and Pull
- Inversions 1: Prep for Shoulderstand and Headstand
- Intro to Mothers Symbol and first three qualities: sincerity, humility and gratitude
- Weaving Maha Shakti and Maheswari into embodiment practice
- Pranayama 1: Cellular Respiration, Ujjayi, Navel Flooding, Dirga, 5/5 and more!
- Mantras: Ganesh Invocation, Agni, Gayatri,Pavamāna Abhyāroha and AUM
- Yoga Nidra: Tantric Technique for Deep Rest
- History of Yoga, Intro to Vedas and Upanishads
- Standing Postures 2 – Dynamics & Alignment
- Integrating Upper & Lower Body
- Ribs, Shoulder Girdle, Arms and Hands: Alignment & Integrated Movement
- Lower Back Fundamentals: Sacroiliac & Lumbar Health
- Seated, Standing, and Supine Forward Bends
- Hyoid Bone and Digestive Tract in embodied anatomy and asana
- Fluid Patterns of Developmental Yoga
- Pranayama 2: Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Kapala Bhati
- Meditation on Breath and Japa Mala Meditation
- Autonomic Nervous System, Intro to Subtle Body and Restorative Practices
- Kidney-Bladder Diagonal in embodied anatomy and asana
- Cultivating a Rewarding Personal Practice
- Philosophy: Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
- Mantra: Hare Rama, Brahmarpanam, Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha
- Mothers Symbol Continued: Maha Lakshmi qualities and invocation and 12 qualities cont: perseverance, aspiration & receptivity
- Principles of Backbends —Musculoskeletal, Organ, & Glandular Support
- Organs in embodied anatomy, asana and applied touch
- Arm Balances, Twists and Hip Openers Part 1
- Diversity and Inclusivity
- Inversions 2: Headstand, Hand & Forearm Stand and Shoulderstand Cycle
- Brain and Spinal Cord, Samyama on Subtle Breath
- Pranayama 3: four purifications, prana vayus, integrating more with asana and meditation
- Bandhas – Integrating Core
- The Kosas: Spiralic Sheaths of Awareness
- Mothers Symbol Continued with Maha Kali Invocation and Qualities and 12 qualities cont: progress, courage and goodness
- Philosophy: Devīmāhātmyam,Tirumantiram and Tantrasāra,Bhakti Yoga
- Mantra: Devī mantras, om namah śivaya, om namo bhagavte vāsudevaya
- Principles of Observation, Demonstration, Instruction and Touch
- Art of Sequencing, Postures Clinic and Group Projects
- Intro to Sanskrit
- Integrated Whole Body Movement in Yoga Asana
- Teaching Gentle, Moderate, and Vigorous Embodyoga®
- Precision Vinyasa — Flow and Hold
- Practice Teaching Clinics and Group Projects
- Teaching Yoga as a Profession
- Ethics of Being a Yoga Teacher
- Balancing Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
- Temporal-Mandibular Joint, the Skull, and Soft Palate
- Backbends 2
- Twists, Hips and Arm Balances 2
- The Business of Being a Yoga Teacher
- Pranayama 4: review and deepening, kumbhaka, teaching beginners pranayama
- Adapting and Modifying Asana
- Meditation and Restorative Yoga
- Nadis, Chakras and Kundalini
- Intro to Neuroendocrine System in embodied anatomy & asana
- Mothers Symbol Continued: Maha Saraswati Invocation & Qualities 12 Qualities Cont: generosity, equality & peace
- Philosophy: Savitri, The Evolution of Modern Yoga,
- Mantra: Sri Aurobindos Gayatri, Review and Questions