ajñānarūpatā puṃsi bodhaḥ saṃkocite hṛdi |
saṃkoce vinivṛtte tu svasvabhāvaḥ prakāśate
“When the heart is squeezed shut by fear, we embody ignorance.
But when the contraction unravels, the inner Self shines.”
– Abhinavagupta’s Tantrāloka 13.213
The major challenges of our time will not be solved by our minds – they will be healed by our hearts.
The Pay From The Heart model aligns with the foundational principles of yoga, which is a sacred gift from India, meant to be shared with all. Pay From The Heart will increase accessibility to the healing and transformational practices offered at YCA, making the center even more inclusive and open-hearted.
Pay From The Heart invites us to collectively bring the practice of yoga into the realm of commerce and financial decisions. Your heart is the home of your innate wisdom. Yoga practice trains and develops clarity of discernment; once honed the heart’s capacities are endless. And the heart naturally cares, not out of obligation, but out of the organic experience of oneness that resides deep within each of us.
In Yoga Center Amherst’s Pay From The Heart model, we tell you what the ‘market value’ or recommended rates for our offerings are, and then invite you to ask your heart the right amount to pay considering your unique relationship to YCA and financial circumstances.
Any time that you pay more than the recommended amount, you’ll be directly supporting those who can’t afford that rate – and each month 15% of YCA’s net profit will go directly to the Amherst Survival Center, meaning that your investment flows over to provide food and other necessities to our neighbors in need.
- You can choose to drop into any class and pay the recommended $18, or more or less according to your heart’s discernment
- You can choose to purchase an 8 class pass at the recommended rate of $120, or more or less according to your heart’s discernment
- You can choose to become a YCA Sustainer and contribute a set amount each month (we recommend $12-14/class), determined by the guidance of your heart – all Sustainers get access to unlimited classes
We encourage you to consider two things when deciding what to pay for a single class, an 8 class pass, or your monthly contribution:
- How do you personally benefit from your relationship with Yoga Center Amherst? How often do you come in?
How much do you value YCA’s contribution to the greater community? The more you give, the more we all receive.
Yoga is a practice of inquiry into the many layers of “self”, which includes the profound wisdom and integrity of your radiant heart. Every interaction in life is an opportunity to practice yoga, and this payment model invites you to expand the scope of your yoga practice into the realm of finances – a rich field for growth and self-realization.
When we ask ours hearts how much is the “right amount” to give at this moment in our lives, we are practicing yoga. Seeking right relationship will always bring us closer to freedom and truth.
अपरिग्रहस्थैर्ये जन्मकथंतासंबोधः
“A firm resolve to take only what one needs illuminates the meaning of life.”
– Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras 2.39

“Every act of love brings happiness; there is no act of love which does not bring peace and blessedness as its reaction.”
― Swami Vivekananda