Embodyoga®: Explore Body-Mind from the Inside Out
Embodyoga offers a deep dive into your physical embodiment and an experience of union of body and mind. We explore traditional yoga asanas (postures) from the inside out — meaning that we look for the feeling and movement of prana and let our movements arise from there. Our cues are internal, and bring your awareness into your body. Classes seamlessly weave in a rich experience of the inner structures and systems (organs, bones, fascia, glands, and more) that support all movement. Learn More.
EmbodyVinyasa: Inquiry meets Vinyasa
Vi = in a special or sacred way Nyasa = to place
Every movement we make is an opportunity to be conscious, reverent and unified with the sacred moment. These classes infuse the inner-orienting and alignment cues of Embodyoga® into fluid, satisfying, intelligent sequences that align depth of breath, body, mind and spirit. Experience vinyasa yoga from the inside out with attention to the flow of prana and leave feeling grounded, invigorated, and clear. Support always precedes healthy and effective action, therefore stability remains at the core of this fluid practice. Recorded or live music is sometimes played in some of these classes. Learn More.
Bhakti Embodyoga: A Practice of Living Prayer
Every movement we make, every thought we think, can be a blessing for ourselves and for others. This class creates a sacred time and space to rest into your feeling self. We are all invited to cultivate a deeper relationship with ourselves as we become more familiar with the love that rests inside each of us. These classes include yoga postures that flow with feeling, chanting and some music. All are welcome. Learn More.
EmbodyCore: Build Core Strength and Stability
This class combines the principles of Embodyoga with strength, conditioning, and bodyweight exercises. This fusion of yoga and workout will get you sweating, moving and accessing your core in fun new ways. Music is played during class. All levels welcome! Learn More.
Embodyoga Teachers at Yoga Center Amherst
Embodyoga® is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.