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LIGHT OMEGA was founded as a center for spiritual teaching and healing to support those who wish to serve God and life by putting into practice the sacred teachings of light.  Such service does not depend on religious outlook, but rather on the Divine commitment of the soul to serve humanity’s need to take the next step in its evolutionary process.

Established in 1990 in western Massachusetts, Light Omega is based on the teachings of Guruji-Ma. These teachings form the mystical heart and core of all religions. In their present form, they are expressed anew as universal principles, applicable by anyone of any background.

Guruji-Ma is a central pillar of Yoga Center Amherst, collaborating closely with Corinne and Matthew in the manifestation of its sacred purpose. Her presence in the center anchors a vibration of love, and her profound and practical wisdom help illuminate the way forward as it is revealed.

Ongoing Events at Light Omega

The following events take place online on a regular basis:

MORNING MEDITATION – Monday Through Friday Daily, 8:00-8:30am

Each Morning and Evening Meditation is primarily a spiritual-energetic event in which GurujiMa offers a way of spiritual anchoring through the Breath. Such anchoring is essential in a troubled time. The peace, healing, and knowledge of self that can arise during these meditations comes from the greater awakening of the soul within the body, and the increasing knowledge that it is possible to live in the world as one’s true self. This self is not separate from the world but one with all that is.

EVENING MEDITATION – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 5:00-5:30pm

Each Morning and Evening Meditation is primarily a spiritual-energetic event in which GurujiMa offers a way of spiritual anchoring through the Breath. Such anchoring is essential in a troubled time. The peace, healing, and knowledge of self that can arise during these meditations comes from the greater awakening of the soul within the body, and the increasing knowledge that it is possible to live in the world as one’s true self. This self is not separate from the world but one with all that is.

SUNDAY SATSANG – Sunday Mornings 10:30 – 11:45am

Satsang for the heart and soul in union with others. A weekly online community gathering of souls desiring to deepen their experience of loving service and knowledge of self. A talk by Guruji-Ma is part of each webcast, interspersed with times of meditation and discussion.

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